Thursday, February 4, 2016

Special Report: The Loneliest Eldrazi

The Loneliest Eldrazi
By S.P.B.

There once was a tide of horrendous hunger and consumption called the Eldrazi. The eldrazi consumed and were strengthened by each of the colors of mana -- all except white. There was only one little Eldrazi (still bigger than a house) that enjoyed the purity of white mana, and his name was Displacer.

Little Displacer had a mild temperament, and didn't crave consumption of the entire plane like the other Eldrazi. Displacer was content to travel the beautiful plane of Zendikar, see the sights, and blink any pesky creatures encountered into the space between planes (they always blink back after he leaves).

For a whole season little Displacer wandered the plane, blinking beasts and dragons away. He saw the mountain of Valekut crying molten tears into the sky. He stood before the great ocean and witnessed it's fury at the destruction of Sea Gate at the hands of the Titans. He felt the sadness he had only just discovered once he found the great forests of Zendikar transmuted to wastes. He began to be ashamed of the destruction his broodmates and their masters wrought upon this plane of planes.

Suddenly Displacer was transported to a whole different realm, a place where friendly competition between creatures was the way of life.  Here he was surrounded by creatures with incredible, kind, giving abilities. No one begrudged him the use of his powers, and he soon had made friends and was gleefully blinking away and back these willing friends.

"Where...Am I?"

Sun Titan was a big teddy bear, who giggled every time he was blinked away.  Displacer never figured out why he always came back with a female human in tow. 


Displacer enjoyed blinking Reflector Mage in and out of the cafeteria, because when the mage blinked back, another creature blinked away as well, which made Displacer laugh and spit milk from his respiration holes!

Displacer got to work with a Snapcaster mage that was too busy casting spells to ever introduce himself.  Still, it was always fun seeing what spells he would endlessly rattle off when he blinked back.

There was the Phantasmal Image, that always blinked back in a different form, as another one of their rivals, and caused much enjoyable confusion.

And also there were the giant Siege Rhinos, always traveling in packs of four and always with a couple Wingmate Roc's circling the skies above them. Both of those creatures loved being blinked, and since neither were very hygienic species, it was nearly the only bath they ever got!

Before too long Eldrazi Displacer was one of the most popular blinkers, and found himself called upon in not only several teams, most often the "Abzan" team and but also whole different leagues, such as the arcane "Modern" league, where others tried to teach lessons on death and taxes. He never quite understand, and only wanted to blink his friends away and back, and clap his tentacles when they did cool things.

Though he never discovered who it was that had kidnapped him from Zendikar, Displacer was happy to have found a home. He was happy, and was no longer the loneliest Eldrazi.

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