Tuesday, February 23, 2016

C-C-C-C-COMBO! #001

Instant Speed MTG brings to you a special bulletin-- 

Be on the lookout during your weekly draft for this armed, and possibly dangerous combination play. 

If sighted, approach with caution.

Processor SMASH
I thought, Therefore I SMASH

Thought-Knot Seer is a bomb, it's worth more than the packs you bought to draft with, and no one will ever not first pick it. If you have ever done this, please report yourself to the proper Judging body, and pay the appropriate fines. 

Processor Assault, to all appearances, should be a less powerful, less often played card in the Oath of the Gatewatch draft format, since Eldrazi with "Ingest" are fewer and farther between. Right?

One defining characteristic of the OGW draft format is the common stalling of boards, where two players find themselves unwilling to attack and are topdecking, hoping for a threat to arrive.  

Processor Assault is a card that will sit in your hand until you are able to play it -- until you have exiled an opponents card. It's likely to be swinging around the draft circle more often than its Common counterpart, Boulder Salvo, making it a perfect candidate for a surprise smash.

Sure, your Oblivion Strike and Isolation Zone will allow you to make a powerful punch as well, but the unique abilities of the
Thought-Knot-Seer, you will create a THREE-FOR-ONE situation: Kill a spell before it's cast, kill a big creature, and drop a big creature of your own.


The Ringers:

Blue Devoid strategies are easy to fall into, and Thought Harvester is a low power, high impact Eldrazi enabler. Besides Processor Assaults, many blue processors become viable with one in your deck.

World Breaker is made for destroying board stalls, but with a Processor Assault in your (presumably) Red/Green deck, you will again gain the
element of surprise, and use your superior planning to grind out a concession from your opponent.

Mindmelter is a champion of Eldrazi synergy, and if you can make the colors work, would be a great addition next to any of these other options, as well as creating a noticeable threat by itself.

This has been an Instant Speed MTG Special Bulletin!  We now rejoin your regularly scheduled program....

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