Thursday, February 11, 2016

Instant Speed Deck Tech: Eldrazi Blinkstorm!

The Eldrazi Continue To Rise!  

Hot off the giant, dominating appearance of Eldrazi decks at Pro Tour: Oath of the Gatewatch, we at INSTANT SPEED MTG bring to you a fun, interactive Eldrazi themed deck.

Who's the most flavorful creature in Oath of the Gatewatch?  Eldrazi Displacer, of course!  This deck builds an army of un-reality around your Displacer!  You'll be able to go wide AND tall on your opponent with this deck, and with some of the best renewal in the format, you already have the competitive edge!

Starting with Eldrazi Mimics and Stalking Drones will give you an aggressive edge in the early game and late game alike. On Turn Three you play Displacer, and on turn Four you start having fun! 

Eyeless watcher gives you an instant army of Scions. Sideboard in Scion Summoner against Aggro decks.

Pull a Conduit of Ruin and bring forth either one of your multiple Birthing Hulks (if you have multiple Mimics down) or your Deceiver of Form (to possibly make all your Stalking Drone's into 5/5's!).

Greenwarden of Murasa is the one Non-Eldrazi creature we have. Blink this big guy away and bring any card from your graveyard right back! 

Feel free to use Evolutionary Leap to churn up bigger, badder, and fatter creatures! With plenty of scions floating around, profitably sacrificing creatures will be a snap!

In the sideboard are several removal spells that will adjust your removal suite towards lower curved, Aggro decks. Lower Curve options for both colorless mana production and scion spawning synergy include Scion Summoner (in for Eyeless Watcher) and Warden of Geometries (in for Kozilek's Channeler). And why not include a copy of Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger? With Conduit of Ruin and only three scions, Ulamog can be a turn 7 win.

Not only is this deck fun, it is also in a comfortable sub-$100 dollar range for new players looking to jump in!


Power - 6-7
Synergy - 9
Speed - 5

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