Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spoilers over Innistrad: Odric, the Ridiculous

Ahh, nostalgia! Avacyn won't be the only card attempting to purify her name. Odric, the master tactician of Innistrad, will see reiteration as Odric, Lunarch Marshal, a 3/3 for 4 mana that has a ridiculous ability.

Honored Magic community member and podcaster Meghan Wolff was given the official duty of spoiling the card in an article from the Mothership. 

Of course, Commander fans will be racing to cram all the value they can find down the throats of opponents and yes, "White Weenie" will be a phrase spoken three times more often in the coming days.

Standard will likely remain aloof to Odric, though several Eldrazi themes could be bolstered with his inclusion, piggy backing off of the existing Eldrazi Mimic/Reality Smasher combo. Abzan builds might hold one Odric in the sideboard, though without Siege Rhino, they will be relying on mostly black cards for synergy.

In limited, this card will really shine. At RARE(!?), this card will appear once every other pod or so, and immediately pull a player VERY hard towards white. Even better for that drafter, the pick leaves one fairly open -- simply follow the trail of creature abilities.

The Limited meta-game is likely to undergo a complete overhaul once we arrive on Innistrad, yet it is already safe to say several draft decks will remain empowered. Relevant to the player who first picks Odric, White/black will continue to be a great choice. Elusive Tormentor, albeit a rare as well, will be a bomb next to Odric. 

With Odric as your enabler, low-power cards become game swinging, ability-sharing champions (even if they are zombies) like Farbog Revenant.

Opponent attacking with flyers? A single Watcher of the Web has eyes a'plenty, and alongside Odric, one will never worry for protection in the skies!

We expect more red cards to be spoiled soon, giving us more double-stike, trample, and maybe even menace for the pool. Long story made short, Odric allows you take medium value creatures alongside strong creatures with no abilities, and come out with a finely tuned, synergistic, elusive and advantaged phalanx.

Any drafted deck that can possibly play Odric, Lunarch Marshall will want to do so. It's basically a deck unto itself. It is notable that Odric only showers your forces with goodies during combat, leaving himself and any other key players very destructible and hexable during main phases. In a twist of dark flavor, Invasive Surgery could become Odric's best friend, easily drafted late.

Art by Chase Stone
 The possibilities will continue to make themselves available to us as our month of Shadows Over Innistrad spoilers continues, and we hope to be more than ready to rock a draft with Odric!


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